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International Conference on Gender and Development Cooperation: Korea, Denmark, and the World
No. 60   µî·ÏÀÏ : 2010.06.04  
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International Conference on Gender and Development Cooperation: Korea, Denmark, and the World


2-4 June 2010


Ewha Womans University

International Education Building

LG Convention Hall


Co-hosted by the Institute for Development and Human Security, Ewha Womans University and the Royal Danish Embassy in Seoul


Supported by the Prime Minister¡¯s Office, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and the Korean Association of International Development and Cooperation

International Conference on Gender and Development Cooperation:

Korea, Denmark, and the World


Conference Program and Schedule


Language: English

Simultaneous interpretation available in Korean and English


June 2 18:30-20:30

Welcoming Dinner hosted by the Royal Danish Embassy

Residence of Ambassador Poul HOINESS

(For Invited Guests Only)


June 3 10:00-10:30

LG Convention Hall

Registration and Coffee



LG Convention Hall

Welcoming Address:


[MC] Eun Mee KIM

(Director, Institute for Development and Human Security;

Professor, Graduate School of International Studies,

Ewha Womans University)


Minister Tae-Shin KWON

(Prime Minister¡¯s Office, Republic of Korea)


Minister Hee Young PAIK

(Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Republic of Korea)


Ambassador Poul HOINESS

(Royal Danish Embassy, Kingdom of Denmark)


Minister S©ªren PIND (by video)

(Minister for Development, Kingdom of Denmark)


LG Convention Hall

Keynote Address:


[MC] Chong-Ae YU

(Research Fellow, Institute for Development and Human Security,

Ewha Womans University)


¡°Danish Development Policy: Direction and Focus¡±

Chairman Klaus BUSTRUP

(The Danish Board for International Development Cooperation,

Kingdom of Denmark)



LG Convention Hall

Session # 1: Gender Concerns in Danish and Korean

Development Cooperation


[Chair] Eun Mee KIM

(Director, Institute for Development and Human Security;

Professor, Graduate School of International Studies,

Ewha Womans University)



(Chief Adviser on International Gender Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Denmark)

¡°MDG3 Global Call to Action ? How to Influence the International Development Agenda¡±


[2] Trine Pertou MACH

(Chairwoman, MS ActionAid)

¡°Women in MS Action Aid Partnership Projects¡±


[3] Hyunghwan JOO

(Director General, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Republic of Korea)

 ¡°Korea£§s ODA Policy -- Past, Present and the Future¡±



Luncheon hosted by Director General Hunghwan JOO,

Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Republic of Korea


Catering Service for Invited Guests

Ewha Womans University Church Cafeteria (B102)


Lunch Coupons for Audience

Main Dish, Ewha Campus Complex (ECC B4)




LG Convention Hall

Session # 2: Why Gender Matters in Development


[Chair] Jae-Jung SUH

(Professor, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies,

Johns Hopkins University; Distinguished Professor, Institute for Development and Human Security, Ewha Womans University)


[1] Pilwha CHANG

(Professor, Department of Women¡¯s Studies, Ewha Womans University)

¡°Strength and Weaknesses of Women£§s Empowerment in the Process of Korean Development¡±


[2] Jacqueline AQUINO SIAPNO

(Professor, Graduate School of International Studies,

Seoul National University)

¡°Beyond Local Gender Systems and Global Standards: New Methods of Learning and International Cooperation Not Based on Domination¡±


[3] Jestina M. MUKOKO

(National Director, Zimbabwe Peace Project)

¡°Protection of Women¡¯s Rights in Developing Countries¡±



LG Convention Hall

Coffee Break



LG Convention Hall

Session # 3: Gender and Development throughout

the World -- Graduate Student Panel


[Chair] Klaus BUSTRUP

(Chairman, The Danish Board for International Development Cooperation)


[1] Nanise WAQATABU

(Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University)

¡°Gender Parity in Education and its Effects on Women¡¯s Employment in Fiji¡±


[2] Younghyun LEE & Joo Youn SUN

(Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University)

¡°KOICA£§s Internal Structure of Gender ODA¡±


[3] Diana H©ªjlund MADSEN

(Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University)

¡°Getting the Institutions Right for Gender Mainstreaming ? The Strategy of Gender Mainstreaming Revisited in the Ghanaian Context¡±


[4] Jisun SONG

(Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University)

¡°Gender Mainstreaming Practice in KOICA¡±



Conference Dinner hosted by the Institute for Development and Human Security, Ewha Womans University

Cathay Ho, Ewha Campus Complex (ECC B4)

(For Invited Guests Only)



June 4


MOU Signing Ceremony


Memorandum of Understanding on Enhanced Development Dialogue

and Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

of the Republic of Korea and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

of the Kingdom of Denmark



Director General Kyung Hoon SUL, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea

Ambassador Poul HOINESS, Royal Danish Embassy,

Kingdom of Denmark


Congratulatory Remark:

President Bae-Yong LEE, Ewha Womans University



LG Convention Hall

Session #4: Korea, Gender, Development and the Way Forward


[Chair] Heisoo SHIN

(Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University; Committee Member-elect for 2011-2014 term, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, United Nations)


[1] Kyung Hoon SUL

(Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea)

¡°Gender and Korea£§s ODA¡±


[2] Young-sook NAM

(Professor, Graduate School of International Studies,

Ewha Womans University)

¡°Gender Mainstreaming in Development Assistance Agencies:

A Review of Policies and Practices and Their Implications for Korea¡±


[3] Eun Mie LIM

(Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, )

Ewha Womans University)

¡°Korea£§s ODA for Higher Education of Women: Strategies and Practices¡±


[4] Kyung-hee KIM

(Research Fellow, Korean Women¡¯s Development Institute)

¡°Korean Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Governance¡±



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