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Research groups
The Territorial and Urban Development Cooperation
The Territorial and Urban Development Research Division, founded in 2024, is committed to investigating urbanization in developing countries and conducting theoretical research on land conservation and urban development. Our priorities include optimizing land and environmental resources, implementing strategies to control development through compact land use and strategic planning, and improving public services such as transportation, water supply, sewage systems, waste management, and energy infrastructure. Additionally, we focus on advancing smart city development. Our division is dedicated to advancing research initiatives and collaborating with other departments to achieve our goals.
Myounggu Kang (The University of Seoul)
International Agriculture, Forestry and Water-resources Cooperation
Subcommittee of International Agriculture, Forestry and Water-resources Cooperation focuses on sharing research and experiences in the field of international agricultural and forestry environment by domestic and foreign researchers (university, research institute, etc.) and related institutions (INGO, local-NGO, etc.). In addition, it seeks direction from the perspective of international cooperation and sustainable goals in the development of agricultural, forestry, and water resources.
As a platform subcommittee leading international cooperation projects in agriculture, forestry, and water resources, it conducts ODA-related academic, technical, and field experience exchanges in domestic and overseas experiences through various cooperative activities, academic events, and regular seminars at academic conferences.
Jin-Yong Choi (Seoul National University)
The Rural Development Research Group
The Rural Development Research Group, established in 2024, is dedicated to advancing the integrated development of rural areas in developing countries as vibrant residential spaces. Our interests span a wide array of rural issues, including agricultural production, value chain linkages, climate change, water resources, forestry, economics, governance, health and nutrition, humanitarian aid, and infrastructure development.
Our group comprises experts from academia, NGOs, private consulting, and corporations, welcoming participation from professionals across all relevant fields. We aim to disseminate research findings encompassing various rural development domains, undertake projects related to planning and evaluation, and actively engage with diverse stakeholders.
Key aspects of our approach include interdisciplinary collaboration, community engagement, strategic partnerships, capacity building, policy advocacy, project design, monitoring and evaluation, and effective communication strategies. By adhering to these principles, we seek to catalyze positive change and contribute to the sustainable advancement of rural communities worldwide.
Hyojung Lee (E&S Consulting)
Development cooperation in Africa
Development Cooperation in Africa is a new research group formed in 2023. Scholars with regional specialties and practitioners with years of experience in countries in Africa meet on a regular basis and share thoughts and experiences. The research group also invites special guests and speakers and organises a rather casual events with the members of Africa research group, which we call a Coffee-side Chat! Africa is an important continent in Korea¡¯s development cooperation. Development Cooperation in Africa Research Group is committed to planning and performing better development cooperation practices in Africa.
Suweon KIM (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Asian Regional Develpopment Cooperation
Established in 2023, the Asian Regional Development Cooperation focuses on the study of borderland and border areas in Southeast Asia and Central Asia. The Asian region (Southeast and Central Asia) is home to a large concentration (12 out of 27, 2023) of the Korean government¡¯s priority partner countries and a critical region for ODA to some of the Least Developed Countries. The research group also studies conflicts, humanitarian aid, refugee issues, and HDP (Humanitarian-Development-Peace) Nexus synergies in borderland. We will coordinate activities to explore and discuss theses and research topics of graduate students who are members of this research group.
Jinyoung Lee (Jeonbuk National University)
Development Cooperation and Civil Society
The international community recognizes civil society as an independent development actor and development cooperation partner. Development NGOs and various civil society organizations(CSO) in Korea have long led the field with civil society initiatives for reaching out to sustainable development. Development Cooperation and Civil Society Research Group is a forum where academic researchers and CSO practitioners gather to research and discuss theories, policies and practices in the international development cooperation. We will continue to research through KAIDEC's regular academic conferences and monthly discussion sessions.
Yoonjeong YANG (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Established in 2016, the Evaluation Research Group aims to contribute to the advancement of evaluation and performance management in the field of international development. The research group promotes research by supporting academic activities on broad topics and for the practical sphere, as well as disseminating up-to-date evaluation knowledge to practitioners. The research group has been running annual training programs on monitoring and evaluating international development. The research group comprises researchers, field specialists and students, and its membership is open to those who are interested.
Seung-Yeun HONG(Yonsei University)
Humanitarian Assistance
Based on universal humanitarianism, the Humanitarian Assistance Research Group was established to share various perspectives of researchers, government officials, and field practitioners on domestic and international legal systems and policies of operation, implementation cycle and mechanism, monitoring and evaluation of various humanitarian actions, carried out for amelioration of human suffering under emergency crisis such as armed conflict, natural and man-made disasters. Since its inception, the research group¡¯s critical research topics have expanded, ranging from international humanitarian assistance policies, post-crisis resilience, and civil-military coordination and cooperation to monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian assistance programs.
Recently, the research group explores a conceptual framework for the nexus of humanitarian assistance and development cooperation that is emerging with the launch of the SDGs in 2015. It furthers to suggest a developmental policy recommendation to the overseas humanitarian assistance system of Korea.
Kyungyon MOON(Jeonbuk National University)
Digital technology is a pivotal cross-cutting theme in the realm of international development cooperation. The concept of Digital for Development (D4D) underscores the application of digital technology across social, economic, and political development, with a specific focus on aiding the socioeconomically disadvantaged and marginalized populations in developing countries. Taking the forefront in digital advancements, the Republic of Korea has spearheaded numerous D4D projects in collaboration with partner countries.
Despite the critical role digital technology plays in development, research efforts in the field of D4D remain sporadic and constrained. There is a need to bolster the research on Digital for Development within KAIDEC and the wider international development community. Responding to this imperative, the Research Group of D4D (former ICT4D) was established in 2016, building upon the foundations laid by the existing study group since 2014. The activities of the D4D Research Group encompass a range of initiatives, including seminars and active participation in KAIDEC conferences, to foster a comprehensive and sustained exploration of digital technology's potential in the context of international development.
SeongHoon YOO (Korea Information Society Development Institute)
International Development and Education
The importance of investing in education for sustainable development has never been more important, living in the era of knowledge society. However, previous development discourses on the relation between development and education, emphasizing education as driver of national and economic development have narrowed down the potentials of education and learning in the areas of international development. In this context, the International Development and Education Research Group members with background of education policy and administration education, education sociology, anthropology, comparative education, human resources development programs, Technical Vocational Education and Training, commonly seek to cross-cut key theoretical themes such as access, quality and equity in international development and education, education and social change, education and gender, human resource development, knowledge and learning as well as lifelong learning. Ultimately, the research group intends to create the international, national and local linkages between scholars, researchers, postgraduate and professionals, and to create dynamic space for joint research, teaching and mutual learning in the areas of international development and education.
Moon Suk HONG (Seoul National University)
International Health
Universal health coverage(UHC) means that all people in a society are able to obtain the health services without fear that the cost of paying for these services at the time of use. UHC has become a major policy priority in many countries, especially developing countries. UHC has become a focus of attention at the international level, forming one of the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 3.8.
The International Health Research Group deals and discusses with many issues around UHC and international health, such as health system performance, health financing strategy, equity, efficiency, transparency, accountability in the distribution of health system resources, water and hygiene, non-communicable diseases (NCD), maternal and child health.
Yanghee KIM (National Health Insurance Service)
North Korea Development Cooperation
North Korea Development Cooperation Research Group was organized to share academic as well as empirical researches and discussions on development cooperation in Korea. In particular, we aim to contribute to deepening and further developing researches about North Korea by combining specific and expert knowledge on North Korea with general discussion about international development cooperation. We also deal with not only North Korean issues but various topics that are related to global sustainable development as well as peace in the Korean peninsula.
Woo-Chul KANG(Korea Eximbank)
Social Economy
Social Economy Research Group consists of the KAIDEC members concerning the social economy for international development and cooperation. We aim not only to do research the theories of social economy, but also to promote the best practices of sustainable and inclusive development. The research areas range from social economy in general to co-operatives, social enterprises, Fair Trade, etc.
Sunwha KIM(SungKongHoe University)
Gender equality is not merely an aspirational objective but a foundational prerequisite for sustainable development. Despite this recognition, gender inequality remains an enduring and pervasive challenge in societies worldwide, evident in various forms such as the gender pay gap, the disproportionate burden of women in unpaid care work, women's underrepresentation in politics, and the scourge of gender-based violence. The Gender Research Group comprises distinguished academics and seasoned practitioners in Korea, unified by their unwavering commitment to advancing gender equality within the context of development. Through periodic panel presentations and discussions at KAIDEC academic conferences, the group engages in substantive conversations and the exchange of perspectives regarding contemporary gender equality policies. These interactions provide a platform for exploring collaborative research opportunities in the field and offer an open forum for attendees to participate in discussions.
Yeri Shim (Seoul National University)
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